Mobility C4 Iceland

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This Mobility C4 Iceland Mobility has been configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Design with 3d Printing: Applications to Art and European Craftsmanship” of the Project : Using ICTs to preserve European Craftsmanship. with code 2019-1-ES01-KA219-065673

This movility was originally planned for 04-2020 but due to COVID Restrictions it has been delayed to September of 2021.

In this congress Teachers and students from the differents schools of the erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.

PDF Planning


Activities of this Block contribute to the achievement of Obj 5 and 6. (Improve 3D techonlogycal formation) The project will benefit from the FNV School infraestructures for Metal, wood and crafting and enviroment


In this mobility, we will develop the planned 3D contents , but also we will benefy of the crafts especialization VET studies of FNV school.

  • Traditional Crafts Applied to nowadays
  • Metalware
  • Jellery
  • Woodworking
  • Horse Crafts

  • 3D Innovative Crafts
  • Printing materials
  • -Printing systems
  • 3D printing files
  • STL or OBJ formats
  • Study NETFAB Program
  • Checking and correcting 3D models
  • Study Slic3r Program
  • Conversion to print format
  • Scale, size and location on the printer.

5) Planning Methodology.

We will apply Benchmarking because the purpose of this international meeting is to transfer knowledge of best practices, around the central theme of the meeting, and its application to the rest of the schools. The Icelandic center has been working with students for years

6) Activitities developed

Sunday 12 /09/2021

  • FNV Organizes the Estonian, Lithuanian, United Kingdom and Czech R. Team pick up at Keflavik Airport which is 400 km away from School (Spanish team rents its own car.)

Monday 13/09/2021

  • 12:00 Lunch at school

  • 13:00 Excursion to the Hill of Sauðárkrókur
  • 13:00 Activity : Students and Teachers Golf Erasmus Cup

VR is a new world of chances for Innovation and entrepreneurship in this workshop. We will discover a real example of this Innovation and entrepreneurship using VR. The creation of the first world puffin museum with the inniciative of Mr Árni Gunnarsson .

This activity was meant to be celebrated in the C5 mobilty in C. Republic but as we count with an great expert in VR and entrepreneurship in this congress (Mr Árni Gunnarsson ), we have change some actitivies dates and will be celebrated here.

  • 16:00 Exhibition: Virtual Reality museum The battle ol Iceland
  • 17:00 Discussions and end program day

Tuesday 14/09/2021

Arrive @ FNV: 8:30

3D Printing Workshops

8:30 Workshop: A18: 3D Printing Technologies Workshop.

  • 15:00 Skagafjordur Herigate : A visit to Giottislaug. the legend natural warm pool.

Wednesday 14/09/2021

  • 8:30 Daytrip around Skagafjordur with visits to interesting places in light of project focus.
  • 9:30 Visit: Hofsos : Basalt Columns , Thermal waters, Crafts, Entrepreneurship & Tourism.
  • 12:00 Lunch

Horse Farming is one of the most important and traditional crafts of iceland. In the development of the Iceland C4 UIPEC Congress . We visit, Vatnsleysu , one of the most important Horse farms of Skagafjordur

  • 14:00 Visit : Fosslaug Skagafjordur waterfall


Fish Leather crafting is a very specialized tecnhinque used in iceland to create smoth leathers from the fish skin.

Virtual Reality is a chagenging technology that offers incredible chances for Innovation but also offers a way to socializate . In this workshops teachers and students will learn how they can create this 360 degree shots and also how they can share them in several platforms like

  • Facebook VR
  • VR Google Street View
  • Theta vr platform

In the first part of the workshop, We will discover the tools and VR Cameras like, Gear VR, used by prof Árni Gunnarsson in the creation of the documentals about puffins in the dangerous cliffs of the island Dragey and Malmey .This Documentals can be seen in puffin museum of soudarkroukur. We also vi

  • Dinner


  • Project Benchmarking
  • 8:30 – 9:30 Evaluation & Analisis time: Have we met out goals for the project meeting ?
  • 8:30 – 9:30 Improvement proposals for next meetings
  • 10:30 – 12:00 Planning next mobilities
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Meeting certification delivery ceremony.
  • Sum up and farewell


This congress was diseminated in several ways.

At the Educative level of the School with its inclusion in the school website and in the Social networks of the school

Several Local Media take information of our mobility

We created an Etwinning event : so that many colleages could follow the activities

Finally we created a codeweek event :

From this lines we want to thank organizators them for their attentions.


Activity A26: Applications of VR to crafts:, CoSpaces tool and Google Arts & Culture

This activity takes part of the Mobility C3 Czech Republic European Congress: “Virtual Reality Applied to European Cultural Heritage” and also was retransmited online in the Etwinning Event :

you can download the VR images documents for the workshop here

PDF of the workshop

Virtual Reality is a challenging technology that offers incredible chances for Innovation but also offers a way to socializate . In this workshops teachers and students will learn how they can create this 360 degree shots and also how they can share them in several platforms like

  • Google Street View
  • Coespaces Edu

These are some examples

Link of video conference


Workshop A24: Virtual Reality (VR) and Digital Citizenship. 360 Social Sharing of VR Worlds

Virtual Reality is a chagenging technology that offers incredible chances for Innovation but also offers a way to socializate . In this workshops teachers and students will learn how they can create this 360 degree shots and also how they can share them in several platforms like

  • Facebook VR
  • VR Google Street View
  • Theta vr platform

In the first part of the workshop, We will discover the tools and VR Cameras like, Gear VR, used by prof Árni Gunnarsson in the creation of the documentals about puffins in the dangerous cliffs of the island Dragey and Malmey .This Documentals can be seen in puffin museum of soudarkroukur. We also vi

In the second part, Students recorded a 360 video and shared it in Vimeo Platform.

Workshop Groups.mp4 from Árni Gunnarsson on Vimeo.

The third part of the workshop will consist in a practical activity of uploading the several VR shots taken during the movilitity to the google street view platform. This part of the workshop will be developed by Mr. Alfonso Ballesteros from the spanish team.

Updated: some of the shots can be seen here

360 Image of the teachers and students of the Project in Hofsos

360 Image uploaded to Google street vieo of the teachers and students of the Project in Giottislaug one of the Sauderkrorkur cultural heritage.

From this lines we thanks Mr Árni Gunnarsson and all the FNV and UIPEC team, the collaboration with our project.


Workshop: FNV Woodcrafting exhibition by FNV Students

FNV has a great experience in the development of Crafts in their VET Studies . In this workshop, FNV profesors and students showed us how they implement this studies and Knowledge.

FNV counts with wood crafts in vocational education and training studies with a great specialization and installations to work with several wood crafts and technologies .

Students made an workshop to create a crafted wooden box from brutewood to the fitting operation.

One of the more brilliant students of the Course, Mrs. Freyja Lubina explained how they create a the crafted wood box.


Workshop A27: Modern Craftings: Videogames, Arts & Crafts. A meeting with Myrkur Games.

Our UIPEC project is based in several pillars and objetives like Crafts entreprenurship , innovative craftings and technoligy apllied to crafts , This mobility was mainly dedicated to 3d Printing and traditional crafts in VET.

Myrkur Games is one of the most succesfull icelandic Videogames design companies . They are working in a Open world RPG realistic world full which promises to be one of the best games of the year when it will be presented.

Our team has the chance to recive an conference of Mr. Halldór Kristjánsson, one of the videogame programmers who explained us the way, they created real live videogames and how the crafts are present in digital world in hundreds of details that have to be done by artists.

Digital Artists are needed in many process of the creation of a videogame but also in the creation and perfection of the details so crafts have a chance in this new industry.

Mykur Digital Artist and crafters take digital brute items and make art and craft with them for example in the previeus screen shot of one of the best videogames, the clothes , wearpons and armors are based in real models which are digitalized and recreated digitally,

Planning Modification : This activity A27 was meant to be celebrated in the C5 mobilty in C. Republic but as we count with an great expert in Game programming, actually working in a World leader videogame company Mr. Halldór Kristjánsson, ) in this congress , we have change the dates and will be celebrated here.

From this lines we want to thanks Mr. Halldór Kristjánsson and Myrkur team for its collaboration with UIPEC Project


Exhibition: Fish Leather Crafts

Our UIPEC project is based in several pillars and objetives like Crafts entreprenurship , innovative craftings and technoligy apllied to crafts , This mobility was mainly dedicated to 3d Printing and traditional crafts in VET.

This Exhibition: Fish Leather Crafts was celebrated in 14 september of 2021, in Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra, Souderkrokur VET and secondary school .

Fish Leather crafting is a very specialized tecnhinque used in iceland to create smoth leathers from the fish skin.

This process is pretty complicated due to the special characteristics of the fish skin.

In this Exhibition , Mrs Sunna showed several materials from differents kind of fishes and explain us the process to obtain them.

From this lines we want to thanks FNV Vet team for its collaboration with UIPEC Project


Workshop: Creating a Jewel in the Forge

Our UIPEC project is based in several pillars and objetives like Crafts entreprenurship , innovative craftings and technoligy apllied to crafts , This mobility was mainly dedicated to 3d Printing and traditional crafts in VET.

This Workshop: Creating a Jewel in the Forge was celebrated in 14 september of 2021, in Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra, Souderkrokur VET and secondary school . Our project beneficed of the FNV School industrial installations where UIPEC congress participant could learn the tecniques to create rustic rings and other jewels using the art of smithing.

Mr. Björn sighvatz could teach UIPEC congress participant how to use the pieces created in the previous workshop of smithing to create several crafted rings and other jewels.

From this lines we want to thanks FNV Vet team for its collaboration with UIPEC Project


Workshop: Metal Welding

Our UIPEC project is based in several pillars and objetives like Crafts entreprenurship , innovative craftings and technoligy apllied to crafts , This mobility was mainly dedicated to 3d Printing and traditional crafts in VET.

This Workshop: Metal Welding was celebrated in 14 september of 2021, in Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra, Souderkrokur VET and secondary school .

FNV school has a great industrial installations where Mr. Björn sighvatz could teach UIPEC congress participant the tecniques to forge iron materials .

From this lines we want to thanks FNV Vet team for its collaboration with UIPEC Project


Exhibition Glaumbær Ancient craftings way of live

In Glaumbær we can find one of the oldest farms still up in iceland and its museum is a wonderful way to learn about traditional crafts of iceland.

In the development of the Iceland C4 UIPEC Congress the day 15-09-2021 . We visit, Vatnsleysu , and recibed a speech about how hard the life was in past and how crafts helped to survive

The Glaumbær Folk Museum in Skagafjörður was founded in 1948 after a decade of preparations. The exhibition, which opened to the public in June 1952, shows how people lived in the 19th century and the atmosphere that prevailed at the time.

Many crafts were developed here from cheesemaking, wool sewing, tradicional music, woodworking , meat processing and you can find examples of all of them in the museum.


Workshop Horse craftings and Metalware at Vatnsleysu Horse Farm

Horse Farming is one of the most important and traditional crafts of iceland. In the development of the Iceland C4 UIPEC Congress the day 14-09-2021 . We visit, Vatnsleysu , one of the most important Horse farms of Skagafjordur

We recibed a nice workshop where we learnt about the most important crafts for the horses Smithing for horseshoes.

Also is important to know the Leathercare for the saddles and leathers of the horses.