We have developed many live events in the etwining platform to share our formation
This activity developed by the IES Playamar within the activities of the «Code Week» for the students of the computer science cycle that participate in the Etwinning GBPE and UIPEC projects. The Activity consists of a workshop to develop a Database with Libre Office from Scratch. The activity is in Spanish and is open to anyone who is interested in it.
9 May, It’s a very important date . This day is the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, the founding act of the European Union and one of the most important and Positive Events of XX Century . Our students must know and this is the reason of this event 🙂 We will Celebrate with many activities … we will make a Brainstorming to improve Europe , a 3d Workshop to create the symbols of europe and print them and others.
Activities related to the UIPEC Erasmus+ project “Using ICTs to preserve European Craftsmanship” • A18: 3D Printing Technologies. • A19: Software to design. • A20: FDM printing. (workshop to make a print) • A21: Materials for 3D printing. () • A22: Workflow: From design to 3D printing. • A23: Post-processing after 3D printing
This Workshop UIPEC- GBPE App-inventor Programming is part of an presential workshop of the C4 Mobility GBPE Erasmus+ Project organized by IES Playamar in Torremolinos ( Spain ) This event will be retransmited online for all those who are interested in the mobile programming using APP Inventor
This workshop is made as one of the ICT formation actitivities part of the C4 Spain UIPEC GBPE Mobility of the GBPE “ Girls & Boys are Programming in Europe” Erasmus+ project . 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061282-1 Erasmus +”. This activity will be also considered as part of a synergy activity for a Virtual Mobility of the UIPEC Erasmus+ Project 2019-1-ES01-KA219-065673 “Using ITC to Preserve European Crafts” . This Workshop has been imparted By Alfonso Ballesteros from IES Playamar. Everyone who is interested is Welcome ¡¡¡ Machine learning is one of the most innovative systems to implement the AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is a very hard subject to study , as it is based in the simulation the behaviour of neural cells of the humans. This technology is responsible to recognize faces, natural language and many others things of the actual IT world. This a so important programming subject that several platforms has created models which can be used by students to start this learning
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