Mobility C1 Spain – European Congress: “Innovative methodologies for the implementation of international educational projects”


Mobility C1 Spain – European Congress: “Innovative methodologies for the implementation of international educational projects”

This Mobility C1 Spain Has been configurated as the 1st European Congress: “Innovative methodologies for the implementation of international educational projects” of the Project : Using ICTs to preserve European Craftsmanship. with code 2019-1-ES01-KA219-065673

In this congress Teachers from the diffents schools of the erasmus project and students of the IES Playamar participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , Working Sessions.

You can download the pdf document here

Monday 4.11.19
09:15 Official Welcome & Program Presentation & Coffee
09:45 Working Session 0: School Presentations.
10:15 Working Session 1: Action Project Plan
11:00 A3: Problem Based Learning with Google classroom Tools
11:40 Torremolinos Tv Interview
12:00 Tour at the School
12:45 A4: Project Based Learning (PBL). Good Practices in IES Playamar Comunica, Aula de jaque, Innicia y Aldea
13:30 Working Session 2: Mobilties & Activities
14:30 Lunch Casa Florido
16:30 Torremolinos Heritage Historical Visit
Tuesday 5.11
08:15: A5 Cooperative learning and inclusive methodologies. IES Playamar Case
09:00: A6 Dimensions and applications of emotional intelligence. Mindfullness and Creativity Crafting
09:45: Working Session 3: Dissemination plans, Website, Logo Contest & Social Netwoks.
10:30: Breakfast at School
11:15: Formation Session A0 y A2: Platforms for effective and safe communication: Etwinning & Twinspace.
12:30 : Working Session 4: Final Products & Coordinations Responsabilities
14:00 : Lunch
16:00 : Free time Recomendations : Cocodrile park, Battery Park & Boat, Inca Botanic Garden, Handmade Market, Shopping San Miguel Street .
Wednesday 6.11
7:15 Bus to Sevilla & Breakfast
11:00 Museum of Popular Arts and Crafts
12:00 Archaeological Museum of Andalucia
13:00 Guided visit to 1929 International Fair Plaza de España & Stars Wars scene.
14:00 Lunch la taberna del Arenal
15:15 Gold Tower & San telmo Bridge
Historic Center visit & handmade shops visit
Archivo General de Indias & Magallanes Expedition Exposition Giralda Tower & Cathedral visit Crafting in the Midle Ages
17:30 Going back to Málaga
20:15 Arrive to Torremolinos
Thursday 7.11
8:00-10:00 A1: Official presentation of the project to Stakeholders , Town hall
Train to Málaga. Málaga Museum of Popular Arts and Crafts.
Breakfast in Málaga
Malaga city Center, Sweet Wine Degustation
14:30 Lunch
15:30 Malaga Craftship Entreprise visit
Walls Museum Historic & Artistic Museum of Málaga.
Sea Crafting Activities Trip Mundo Marino
Going Back to Torremolinos
22:00 Farewell Dinner
Friday 8.11.19
9:15 Working Session 5: Fill Documentation & Budget
10:15 Administrative Tasks
11:30 Breakfast at School
11:30 Working Session 6: Evaluations
12:45 Tickets collecting

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