Project Participants


Project Participants

Next, we identify the different groups involved, how they will participate and the final results of the project from which they will benefit:

1) Students. From 16 to 19 years old. It will carry out training activities, mainly use eTwinning and will complement it with short-term training stays. We will create international teams that will collaborate to develop the final products. They will participate in competitions and fairs to increase our visibility.

Selection criteria should include this items: Involment with the activities of the project, academical Marks, Foreign Language & Communication skills, Relation of their curricula with the objetives of the project. Each center could reserve some some places for the movilities for students with educative and/or economical problems who are active involved in the project.

2) Teachers: Participate in two dimensions: On the one hand, planning training activities for students, exchanging training, experiences and good practices at local and interregional level (benchmarking). And on the other, to successfully achieve the objectives, it will be part of the agreed committees, and which have the following functions:

  • The economic commission: its function is to manage the budget. There will be one for each school. The active members will be formed in the project in which the manager, secretary or figure that the competent educational administration indicates for the economic management of the center will be involved in an unfailing way, having at all times the legal responsibility of the center and following both the regulation European in the matter of granting subsidies as the own mechanisms of management of public resources of the competent educational administration.
  • The dissemination commission.
  • The evaluation and control commission.

3) Families: They are involved in all phases of the project. They will participate in the activities and, in some cases, will direct them. They will give workshops on skills necessary for the performance of old trades of each region, the co-organization of local craft fairs, etc. They will also share the impacts of the project and we will create channels that will allow them, in the future, to continue cooperating with the centers.

4) Other educational centers: you can freely use our final products. Local communities: one of the objectives of the project is the improvement of the employability of our young people through the integration of ICTs for the conservation of cultural heritage, this has a direct impact on endogenous development.

5) Political decision makers: The involvement of political authorities (educational and local) in different activities, such as the presentation of the project in each partner school, improves relations between schools, increases the visibility of the project and improves the image outside the different territories.

6) Artisan business associations: we will visit them and they will give us workshops

7) Non-teaching staff: it benefits from the sharing of the different practices that are followed in each center (benchmarking).

About the author
