Entrepreneurship Sessions in PTA


Entrepreneurship Sessions in PTA

This Activity is part of the Mobility C4 in Spain, configurated as the 4th European Congress: “Innovative tools For ICT Learning” of the Project : Girls and Boys are Programming in Europe in colaboration with our other project UIPEC (crafts , technology & Entrepreneurship ). One of the objetives of the project it`’s to improve the entrepreneur spirit of our students and this activity is made to work on it.


  • Visit to PTA Technology museum
  • Conference ” Entrepreneurship Opportunities in PTA”
  • Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia”
  • Tour: “Andalusian Technological Park most important entreprises”

On Thursday, we had the chance to visit the PTA Andalusian Technological Park a huge complex of technological entreprises where we recibed two Conferences and we make a tour by the Most important enterprises of the park.

PTA Andalusian Technological Park Museum

Visit to the PTA Andalusian Technological Park. (Spanish Silicon Valley) Entrepreneurship Conference in the Green Ray Complex in the Andalusian Technological Park and the PTA Technology museum

Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia”

12:30 In the Conference ” Innicia Educative Entrepreneurship in Andalucia” . Our lecturer, A.Ballesteros as Member of the Pedagological team of Innicia in Malaga, showed the students 6 Teachers how this educative program Innicia has been working to improve the Entrepreneurship skills of the students in their 3 dimensions.

Conference ” Entrepreneurship Opportunities in PTA”

We had the chance to recibe a nice speech about the importance of the PTA for the entrepreneurial and technological development of Málaga, and also more important about the Opportunities for young entrepreneurs in the PTA and how students could apply for this advantage.
Our Conferencer and Host was Mrs. Aline Daniel who is International Project Manager in Málaga TechPark .

Tour: Andalusian Technological Park most important entreprises

PTA is a reference for innovative enterprises in this tour we visit some of the most important entreprises of the park guided by Mrs Aline Daniel.

From this lines we want to thank organizators Specially to Aline Daniel from the PTA for Its attentions.

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