


Planned Dissemination

Our strategic dissemination plan has the following dimensions:

1) Dissemination among the centers: Among the partners the dissemination of the results will be carried out using several ways. On the one hand, we will create working groups with the WhatsApp tool for teachers and the other with the Telegram tool for students. In them we will publish the different activities carried out within the framework of the project. Students will also use the eTwinning platform Through Twinspace students will be able to disseminate and share the activities that are done in each partner center through the live platform, using forums, chats or videoconferences. On the other hand, the partner professors pledged to upload the activities carried out to the project website (at least two entries per center and month). For this we will create a user to each center in a collaborative website.

2) Dissemination at local level: We will organize fairs and competitions on handicrafts to publicize the final products. We will invite local agents in which the media have an interest in providing coverage.

Implemented Dissemination of the project

Only in the eucrafts.eu webs, we have got more than 100.000 interactions, without counting on Social Networks & Newspapers. We have been granted with a Etwinning Quality Label.

Website eucrafts.eu : We have got more than 100.000 interactions in our website
(it can be checked here https://eucrafts.eu/stats-visits/ )

Twitter : We have worked in the interearcions of this Social network to count with more than 3000 followers. https://twitter.com/dtse_erasmus

Youtube: We have worked to create a very interesting Youtube channel with information about the activities in the project

Issuu / Ebook : many of the materials prepared in this project have been uploaded to this Channel for its diffussion.

Media : Several newspapers and local tv have informed of our activities.

Awards : We worked in the etwining platform and got the quality label in our project

About the author
