Crafts & Entrepreneurship Didactic Units
Among the challenges of the crafts industries, we can clearly highlight an important point, the lack of training in entrepreneurship, since there are many artisans who have inherited a traditional business that they do not update. These didactic units on entrepreneurship and crafts try to help improve this point.
These entrepreneurship Didactic Units have been made as one of final product of the UIPEC Erasmus Project (, which develops several objetives relationated with crafts, entreprenurship skills, Inclusion of Tics and improve the the entrepreneurial culture among the students with the theme of crafts.
This Final Product will be developed in 11 didactic units which could be used together in a course, or as indiviual units to develop independent subjets.
In the first didactic unit, Didactic Unit 1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship ,we will learn General Entrepreneurship Issues.
These general concepts will teach the importance of the enviroment of an enterprise, the competences that an entrepreneur should develop and an special unit which aims to demysthify of the general errors of being a entrepreneur.
The second chapter is dedicated to the Didactic Unit 2. Entrepreneur Skills, where we discuss important skills of an entrepreneur like organising, leadership and others.
The Didactic Unit 3. Planning & Management for Entrepreneurs is a Chapter is dedicated to one of the most important skills in this world the capacity to Planning decisions & Management for Entrepreneurs.
In the Fouth Secction, Didactic Unit 4.Myths about the entrepreneurship, we will try to aboord some Myths about the entrepreneurship which produces insecurity in new entrepreneurs.
One of the most innovative techniques in the entrepreneurial world is The Canvas Model and all its sheets which helps you to start a business from scrach. Didactic Unit 5 Improving the Creativity with Canvas Model is dedicated to learn this tool with can improve our entrepreneur creativity.
Sixth Chapter,Didactic Unit 6. Crafts Investiment, is dedicated to the Investiment Skills, very important to manage the money that we can use to improve your business.
Seventh chapter, Didactic Unit 7. Example of Business Plan, is dedicated to help to do one importan>t task which has to face every entrepreneur: creating a Business Plan by an Example. On this didactic unit, we follow the process to make a bussiness plan with an example of a small business.
To sell products and services is the blood and the soul of every single company, specially in crafts bussines which have to marks differences with industrual wares. Didactic Unit 8. Marketing, the eigthth chapter speaks to us about the Marketing which is like an art that every entrepreneur must master.
Human resources is an important part of the Entrepreneurship. This Didactic Unit 9. Job Application Training, isdedicated to begginers and in this chapter we give you the keys to make a successful Job Application Training.
In tenth place, in Didactic Unit 10. Analysing ourselves with SWOT tool, we will learn an important tool to define the characteristic of our bussines and the risks and oportunities that we should afford.
Finally, In eleventh place, Didactic Unit 11. Looking for money: Sources of Financing we will study one recurrent problem that always have all those who decide this way of life : Get money for our business in the chapter Sources of Financing for Companies.
The Patners who have collaborated in the development of this product are
- IES Playamar from Torremolinos in Spain.
- Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands Vestra from soudarkrokur in Iceland.
- Fulston Manor School Sittingbourne in United Kingdom.
- Mendelova střední škola from Novy Jicin in Czech Republic.
- Saku Gümnaasium from Tallin in Estonia.
- Vilniaus Karoliniškių Gimnazija from Vilnus in Lithuania.
We also want to thanks Ecie and Innicia team for their support. The team of UIPEC Project
(Using ICT to preserve European craftmanship) expects that all these Didactic Units will be useful for you.
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