- Crafts & Entrepreneurship Didactic Units
- Didactic Unit 1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- Didactic Unit 2. Entrepreneur Skills
- Didactic Unit 3. Planning & Management for Entrepreneurs
- Didactic Unit 4.Myths about the entrepreneurship
- 1.1. Entrepreneurs are born, they are not made!
- 1.2. Entrepreneurs are their own masters and are completely independent!
- 1.3. Entrepreneurs are "players"!
- 1.4. Entrepreneurs work more than managers.
- 1.5. Money is the most important thing in an entrepreneurial start-up.
- 1.6. Anyone can start a business!
- 1.7. A valuable entrepreneur succeeds in 1-2 years!
- 1.8. Valuable entrepreneurs are young!
- 1.9. If an entrepreneur has enough starting capital, he cannot miss!
- 1.10. Entrepreneurs are "lonely wolves" and cannot work in team!
- Didactic Unit 5 Improving the Creativity with Canvas Model
- Didactic Unit 6. Crafts Investiment
- Didactic Unit 7. Example of Business Plan
- 7.1 Executive summary
- 7.2 Nature of the business
- 7.3 Competitors
- 7.4 Finances required
- 7.5 Description of the venture
- 7.6 Office equippment and personnel
- 7.6 Operational plan
- 7.7 Marketing plan
- 7.8 SWOT analysis
- 7.9 Organizational plan
- 7.10 Financial plan
- 7.11 Assessment of risk
- 7.12 Keys to success
- Didactic Unit 8. Marketing
- Didactic Unit 9. Job Application Training
- Didactic Unit 10. Analysing ourselves with SWOT tool
- Didactic Unit 11. Looking for money: Sources of Financing
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3. Functional organisation
The line structure based on functions is one of the most common forms of organisational structure. The organisation is arranged according to the main functions, such as purchase, production, sales or finance. All people who do the same job belong to the same department.
For example, all production staff are bundled together in a production department, all sales staff in a sales department. Each department is an area of expertise and this makes operations more efficient. One person is in charge of each department and all report to the managing director. The main disadvantage of this structure is that the personnel may focus exclusively on the issues of their own department and as a consequence may ignore the more important organisational objectives.
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